Monday 12 October 2009


The masthead will be in a legible large bold font so
that it stands out and is easier to read. I will use a witty name for my magazine that will catch the readers eye. I am aiming this at teenagers. I will left align my masthead because our eyes follow the page in a C shape

Selling line
i plan to make my selling line witty and clever that will make students smile. I will make the selling line font size a bit smaller than the masthead as it is not as important. I will make sure that my selling line relates to school, and the teenagers i am directing this towards
i will left align my selling line because our eyes naturally follow the page in a C shape.

The date will inform the reader when the magazine was issued. I will make this small as it is not as important. i will place this on the right side of the page, because it is not as important as the kicker
or masthead.

The kickers and explanations will attract the readers, as they are stories featured in my magazine. I will use the same size font as the selling line, and i will use bright colours to attract the readers. I will use day to day issues as my headlines
which will also attract the readers. I will use different colours for my kicker and explanation so they are easily differentiated. This will also make my magazine
seem a lot brighter. I will keep the font the same, as using too many fonts will
make the magazine look untidy and unprofessional. Like the masthead and
selling line, i have left aligned these so the reader will be able to follow them.

i feel that the image is the most important part of the magazine. This is because it fills the whole
space of the magazine. It’s the most obvious part of the magazine. If a magazine were to have a
really boring image on the front a person wouldn’t even bother looking at the kicker or masthead.
But if the image were interesting and bright, a person from far away would see it and be attracted to it.

This is my school magazine mockup. I have placed the image on the right hand side and the headers and kickers on the left hand side so it follows the codes and conventions of eye flow. I will use bright colours and sans serif fonts to attract teenagers.

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