Monday 12 October 2009

The other media lessons

In our other lesson of media studies we were asked to draw out a storyboard for a 60 second scene associated with "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" Me and another pupil decided to draw out a front cover, as this would show our photoshop skills. First we drew out the faces and features and went over them in a dark pen so that when it came to scanning the images in, it would be a lot easier to highlight certain areas to fill. We then scanned the image in and opened it in photoshop. The first thing we did was go over the outline, so we could fill in spaces rather than use the paintbrush to slowly paint in the areas. I did this by using the magic wand tool so that it made it easier to go over the lines.
I then started on the eyes. I spent a lot of time working on the eyes as they aren't just one colour. I coloured in the pupil black and the glint in white. I then moved on to the iris. I picked a colour from the pallette and filled it in. I then looked at images of eyes to see how many different colours were actually in an eye. I used a darker shade than the normal eye colour around the edges and pupil. I then drew slim dark lines coming out of the pupil line a sunshine. I then used the blur tool to blur this all in so the colours would blend. I then added a lighter than the original colour to finish it off. I then blurred this with the blur tool, and then used the smudge tool to blend it even more. Since the them of the image is "sex drugs and rock n' roll" i clicked the burn tool (highlights) to add some dark areas around the eyes, to show that the girl has clearly taken drugs. I then moved onto the lips. I left the lips a simple shade of red, so that it made the image look a bit cartoonish. I did this by going over the lips with the pencil tool, and then highlighting the area using the magic want tool and filling the colour in with the paint bucket tool. I use teh paintbrush to fill in any remaining areas.

I then moved on to the skin colour. I scrolled through the paint pallette trying to find a suitable colour for the skin. At first i found a normal colour, that i thought i might use. But then i thought about how this character is meant to be a drug addict so i chose a paler, yellower colour for this character. I then moved to the nose area where i picked a darker shade to shade the darker areas of the nose. From an artist point of view, when it comes to drawing the
nose, you don't actually draw a line for the nose, you just shade the area around the nose. So thats what i did. I then used the blur tool to merge the colours together. I used the smudge tool to blend the colours even further.

I then moved onto the piercings. I found it really hard trying to find a colour for the piercings. Looking at images of piercings they're a range of multiple colours. I decided to go with silver. First i used the pencil tool to go over the piercing. I then filled the piercing in with a really light grey colour. I chose to use this as my base colour. I then got a darker grey and went around the edges to create a shadowy effect. I then used the blur tool to blur them together. When i used the blur tool, i found the black pencil lines ran into the piercing itself, which created a reddy colour which made the piercing look more realistic. I then used the burn tool (shadows) so that it also cerated a more shadowy effect. using the burn tool around the reddy black areas, gave the effect that the piercing looked rusty, which made it loo
k more realistic. I then used white to give it a shine, and i used the blur and smudge tool to blend it all in.
I then started on the hair. I looked through the paitn pallette trying to find a colour that wasn't too yellow for to be a blondey colour. i found a light yellow colour and used it as my base colour. i then used the magic want tool to select the area, and i found suitable light and dark colours that were similar to this yellow and scribbled in the section. Once i had finished i used the blur and smudge tool to blend them in giving it the feel that the girl has highlights/roots.

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